
Star wars the force unleashed cutscenes
Star wars the force unleashed cutscenes

star wars the force unleashed cutscenes star wars the force unleashed cutscenes

We've created a character that is very humanised, though I mean, he's got a past and you'll learn all about that. The idea of playing as Darth Vader's secret apprentice - just those four words - really, really resonated with people, so we wanted to focus on that. At LucasArts, we're big believers in concept testing, going out and getting feedback from players and Star Wars fans.

star wars the force unleashed cutscenes

IGN: Was writing a likeable 'dark' character as the lead more of a challenge than creating a standard heroic lead? And why did you go with an evil lead? Hayden Blackman: We wanted to create a new take on it, a new approach.

Star wars the force unleashed cutscenes